A new website coming soon!

For the meantime, check out my blog at blog.chait.me as well.


Hey there, I’m Chaitanya Sharma, a sophomore computer engineering student at the University of Waterloo, I’m interested in learning all sorts of powerful languages and impactful frameworks.

Work Experience

Pipeline Developer Intern @ Rocket Science VFX

Co-op Evaluation: Outstanding(6/6)

Recommendation from Ryan Mcdonald (Head of Pipeline @ Rocket Science VFX)
Co-op review from Ryan McDonald (Head of Pipeline @ Rocket Science VFX)

Workplace Solutions Software Developer Intern @ Softchoice

Co-op Evaluation: Outstanding(6/6)

Recommendation from Ross Haven (Manager of Workplace Solutions BU @ Softchoice)


COPY-CAST - Exo‑skeletal gesture correction and imitation guided training program. [Winner @ HackMIT 2022]

Python, C++, ESP-32, OpenCV, REST API, Sockets, Tensorflow, MediaPipe, Digital Ocean, Flask, 3D Printing, Solidworks, Control Systems

Read what Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative had to say about our project

DeLoaner - A decentralized commission based loan payback mechanism

WebAssembly, Typescript, Smart Contracts & Blockchain [Winner @ Defi Conv. Hackathon, UOttawa 2022]

TermnCo - Terms‑of‑Service agreements summarization API service deployed as a Chrome Extension MVP [HackHarvard 2022]

ReactJS, Gatsby, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Chrome Extensions API, Flask API, Python, PyTorch, NLP, Summarization, Transformer ML

Persona - An anime focused music and wallpaper discord bot

Dipsitegram - An isolated school-focused social media platform for Dipsites i.e. students of DPS

Budgeteer - A CLI tool that works as a personal budgeting system for bash enthusiasts.

Useless Box Sequential Lock - A sequence lock under the skin of a useless box focused on Escape Rooms


University of Waterloo

Candidate for Bachelors of Applied Science in Computer Engineering 2026 (Co-op)
Courses taken: